Friday, 23 September 2016

Learn everything about Trojans, Viruses and Worms

Some of the skills that hackers have are programming and computer networking skills. They often use these skills to gain access to systems. The objective of targeting an organization would be to steal sensitive data, disrupt business operations or physically damage computer controlled equipment. Trojans, viruses and worms can be used to achieve the above stated objectives.
In this article, we will introduce you to some of the ways that hackers can use Trojans, viruses and worms to compromise a computer system. We will also look at the counter measures that can be used to protect against such activities.

What is a Trojan horse?

A Trojan horse is a program that allows the attack to control the user’s computer from a remote location. The program is usually disguised as something that is useful to the user. Once the user has installed the program, it has the ability to install malicious payloads, create backdoors, install other unwanted applications that can be used to compromise the user’s computer etc.
The list below shows some of the activities that the attacker can perform using a Trojan horse.
  • Use the user’s computer as part of the Botnet when performing distributed denial of service attacks.
  • Damage the user’s computer (crashing, blue screen of death etc.)
  • Stealing sensitive datasuch as stored passwords, credit card information etc.
  • Modifying fileson the user’s computer
  • Electronic money theftby performing unauthorized money transfer transactions
  • Log all the keysthat a user presses on the keyboard and sending the data to the attacker. This method is used to harvest user ids, passwords and other sensitive data.
  • Viewing the users’screenshot
  • Downloading browsing history data

What is a worm?

A worm is a malicious computer program that replicates itself usually over a computer network. An attacker may use a worm to accomplish the following tasks;
  • Install backdoors on the victim’s computers.  The created backdoor may be used to create zombie computers that are used to send spam emails, perform distributed denial of service attacks etc. the backdoors can also be exploited by other malware.
  • Worms may also slowdown the network by consuming the bandwidth as they replicate.
  • Install harmful payload code carried within the worm.
What is virus?

  • A virus is a computer program that attaches itself to legitimate programs and files without the user’s consent. Viruses can consume computer resources such as memory and CPU time. The attacked programs and files are said to be “infected”. A computer virus may be used to;
  • Access private data such as user id and passwords
  • Display annoying messages to the user
  • Corrupt data in your computer
  • Log the user’s keystrokes
Computer viruses have been known to employ social engineering techniques. These techniques involve deceiving the users to open the files which appear to be normal files such as word or excel documents. Once the file is opened, the virus code is executed and does what it’s intended to do.

Trojans, viruses and worms counter measures

  • In order to protect against such attacks, an organization can use the following methods.
  • A policy that prohibits users to download unnecessary files from the internet such as spam email attachments, games, programs that claim to speed up downloads etc.
  • Anti-virus software must be installed on all user computers. The anti-virus software should be updated frequently and scans must be performed at specified time intervals.
  • Scan external storage devices on an isolated machine especially those that originate from outside the organization.
  • Regular backups of critical data must be made and stored on preferably read only media such as CDs and DVDs.
  • Worms exploit vulnerabilities in the operating systems. Downloading operating system updates can help reduce the infection and replication of worms.
  • Worms can also be avoided by scanning all email attachments before downloading them.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Saying 👋 to Allo and Duo: new apps for smart messaging and video calling


Whether it’s welcoming a new baby, celebrating the winning shot in overtime, or discovering the best taco stand ever—we all want to share these moments with friends and family the instant they happen. Most of the time, this means picking up our phones and sending a message or starting a call. Today we’re sharing a preview of two new apps that take a fresh look at how people connect.

Allo, a smart messaging app
Allo is a smart messaging app that makes your conversations easier and more expressive. It’s based on your phone number, so you can get in touch with anyone in your phonebook. And with deeply integrated machine learning, Allo has smart features to keep your conversations flowing and help you get things done.
Emojis, stickers, Ink, and our Whisper Shout feature in Allo

Allo has Smart Reply built in (similar to Inbox), so you can respond to messages without typing a single word. Smart Reply learns over time and will show suggestions that are in your style. For example, it will learn whether you’re more of a “haha” vs. “lol” kind of person. The more you use Allo the more “you” the suggestions will become. Smart Reply also works with photos, providing intelligent suggestions related to the content of the photo. If your friend sends you a photo of tacos, for example, you may see Smart Reply suggestions like “yummy” or “I love tacos.”

Smart Reply suggestions in Allo

Allo also features the Google assistant, bringing the richness of Google directly into your chats—helping you find information, get things done, and have fun. You can chat one-on-one with the assistant, or call on Google in a group chat with friends. Either way, you no longer have to jump between apps to do things like book a dinner reservation with friends, get up-to-date sports scores, settle a bet, or play a game. The assistant in Allo lets you bring things like Search, Maps, YouTube and Translate to all your conversations, so that you and your friends can use Google together.

The Google assistant in Allo understands your world, so you can ask for things like your agenda for the day, details of your flight and hotel, or photos from your last trip. And since it understands natural language patterns, you can just chat like yourself and it’ll understand what you’re saying. For example, "Is my flight delayed?" will return information about your flight status.
Google assistant in Allo

Privacy and security are important in messaging, so following in the footsteps of Chrome, we created Incognito mode in Allo. Chats in Incognito mode will have end-to-end encryption and discreet notifications, and we’ll continue to add new features to this mode.

Duo, a video calling app for everyone
Duo is a simple, fast one-to-one video calling app for everyone—whether you’re on Android or iOS, a fast or slow connection, in New York or New Delhi. Like Allo, Duo is based on your phone number, allowing you to reach anyone in your phonebook. And its simple interface fades away when you’re in a call, so it’s just the two of you.

Video call in Duo

One of our favorite features of Duo is Knock Knock, which shows you a live video preview of the caller before you pick up. Knock Knock invites you into the moment, making calls feel spontaneous and fun. Once you answer, Duo seamlessly transitions you right into the call.

Duo calls are in crisp HD video (up to 720p) and audio. We’ve optimized Duo to work well even on spotty networks, so if bandwidth is limited it gracefully adjusts quality so you’re still able to connect. We also seamlessly transition calls between cellular and Wi-Fi, so you don’t need to worry about what network you’re on. Finally, we built Duo with privacy and security in mind and all calls on Duo are end-to-end encrypted.
Both apps will be available this summer on Android and iOS. Head over to Google Play and register to be notified when Allo and Duo are available. We can't wait for you to try them.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Password Cracking Techniques



There are several methods out there by which a hacker can gain access to your mails or accounts by hacking them. This article will prove beneficial to you which will help you in safeguarding your online accounts from hacking.
Hackers can crack any sort of password by brute force attack. This attack involves any number of possible combinations of numbers, letters and special characters until the right password is match. Brute-force attacks can take very long time depending upon the complexity of the password. The cracking time is determined by the speed of computer and complexity of the password.
You should you long passwords which are a combination of uppercase lowercase special character and digits. Brute-force attack will take hundreds or even thousands of years to crack such complex and long passwords.
With this method a person can gain access to your password by manipulating to trust him and then you grant your password yourself.  For example, if the hacker was trying to get the password of a co-workers or friends computer, he could call him pretending to be from the IT department and simply ask for his login details. Sometime hackers call the victim pretending to be from bank and ask for their credit cards details. Social Engineering can be used to get someone password, to get bank credentials or any personal information.
If someone asks you for a password and pretends to be someone you must first confirm his/her identity by asking few questions. In this way you will not fall in a trap.
In this method the hacker send keylogger to the victim. With this the hacker has the power of monitoring everything that the victim does on his/her system. Every keystroke is logged including passwords. Moreover hacker can even control the victims computer.
If its important use on-screen or virtual keyboard while tying the login. Use latest anti-virus software and keep them updated. Check out below article to know more about Rats and Keyloggers.
It is the most popular and easiest way to have someone’s account details. In this the hacker sends a fake page that looks just like the original one like of facebook or gmail to the victim.
When someone logins through that fake page the details will be sent to the hacker.
Its easy to avoid phishing attacks.  The url of this phishing pages are different from the real one. For example URL of phishing page of facebook might look like (As you can see There are two “b”). Always make sure that websites url is correct.
This table is a list of hashes that has been precomputed for possible combination of characters. Password hash is the password which has been gone through a mathematical algorithm like md5. It is a one way encryption technique in which if once a password is hashed you cannot get back to the original string.  It is almost similar to dictionary attack, the only difference is, in rainbow tables attack hashed characters are used as passwords whereas in dictionary attack normal characters are used as passwords.
Example: ‘hello’ in md5 is 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 and zero length string (“”) is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Use long and complex passwords because creation of these table will require a longer time and hug resources.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

20 Best Hacking Tutorials & Tricks For iPhone

If you are looking for all the best cydia ios hacks, tricks, tutorials and tips 2016 to try in jailbreak or non jailbreak iphone, iPad or iPod then this is the best iphone tricks site to get all new top hacks and tricks for ios device. Look on all the tricks that i had discussed in this site.

Best Hacking Tutorials & Tricks For iPhone

Below is tricks and tutorials both for jailbreak and non jailbreak iPhone.

-> 10 General Tips For Non Jailbreak iPhone

  1. Charging an iphone is a big issue as iphone battery drain very fast. We can charge it faster than usual by using iPad charger. The iPad adapter will charge iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus faster than normal adapter.
  2.  Old messages taking up all the space in the memory. if you are not going to use old messages then you can set automatic deletion of messages and save a lot of space. goto Settings->Messages > Keep Messages > Choose from 30 days, 1 year or forever.
  3. For security-conscious types, you can create a longer, alphanumeric passcode that’s harder to crack than the simple 4 digits. Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > Toggle off Simple Passcode
  4. Selecting lines in paragraph is not easy in iPhones but you can use double fingers to double tap a distinct line and it will get selected.
  5. To take better pictures with HDR you can touch and hold darkest colour or area in the picture it will increase quality of the pictures.
  6. Battery is an issue in iPhones. if the battery is low you can string it out a bit by dimming your screen brightness by swiping up to the quick menu, or go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Turn on Grayscale.
  7. Finding places on map can be difficult when two or more pins are close together. you can zoom in or hold on to one pin until it start showing details and then without releasing you touch drag to any other pin for details.
  8. Shooting videos in iPhone 6 and 6 Plus can be easy and better in quality just – head to Settings > Photos & Camera > Record Video at 60 FPS. Your videos will be as steady as if you used a tripod.
  9. If you want to hide some personal pictures from showing into camera roll without deleting it then press and hold on the photo and choose Hide, which will create a “Hidden” album in your Albums list. Long press it to make it visible again.
  10. Siri is an AI (artificial intelligence) assistant of iphone and you can tell Siri who your family, friends and colleagues are by verbally explaining what you want her to know. For example, say “Matthew is my brother”. Siri will ask you if you want her to remember that information. Likewise, if she mispronounces names, reply with “That’s not how you say that.” She’ll then ask you to say it correctly

-> 10 Best Tweak For Jailbreak iPhone

Winterboard is one of the best Cydia tweak ever which allows you to install themes on your iPhone and for giving it a complete makeover. The tweak comes with tons of paid and free themes, which feature multiple app icons, colour palate, background, fonts and widgets.
Very functional tweak that adds an extra layer of security to your device. Have a spouse or friend creeping around your device? Worry no longer, this tweak allows you to lock individual applications with a TouchID enabled.
The ultimate Reachability tweak. Shrinks your current page to a custom size and includes shortcuts for many functions and applications. This is one of those Cydia tweaks you will truly miss and I mean you will hate yourself if you ever lose your jailbreak after using this tweak.
Reachability has been a new addition in iOS 8 and specially designed for iPhone 6/6 Plus, but due to its limited utility it hasn’t quite taken off. ReachApp allows you to view as well as interact with two apps at one time. As for instance, while composing your email, you can check out other apps and their latest happenings with the split-screen multitasking feature.
CC More
The CC More adds all the necessary widgets on your swipe up notification display and lets you open all of them in a single swipe. For example, you can access stop watch just through a swipe, or open the camera or take a note.
Springtomize 3
Adjust many aesthetic and functionality settings for anything ranging from your srpingboard to lockscreen to menus and so so much more. An all in one Cydia tweak.
Enable a video pane in any application. Watch a video from any source while multitasking. Another feature taken from Android, an invaluable one at that.
Add custom opening animations to your device when unlocking. It become really fun when we use it with some creative and artistic mind. Can help your iPhone look very much interesting.
Facebook ++
It is for people addicted to Facebook. Reinstates Facebook messenger within the app, no need for a separate messaging application. Disable read receipts and save facebook videos.
Ripped straight from Android, SmartTap is one of those Cydia Tweaks that stands out for a great idea. SmartTap turns your device on when you double tap the screen when it’s off. This can cause extra battery drainage due to it keeping your digitizer activated.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016



As you all know about rajnikanth famous south superstar and
his jokes and pj which are famous over internet
but today i came across interesting site all about rajni
which you can access only when your internet connection is off else it show error  message.

It contain Rajnikanth jokes, stories, facts etc.

1. Visit
2. To explore this site you need to remove your internet wire or turn off your laptop wifi switch.
3. If you don't turn off then you will see below msg.

4. Share it with your friends and subscribe below for such interesting tutorials..

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Top 20 Google Hacking Tricks & Tips

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Best Way To hide Personal Pictures/Videos on Android

Hide all your personal data like picture videos and other important files in android. We all have embarrassing and personal pictures/videos on our phone that we don’t want to share with the others,but our friend’s and families always borrow our phone’s and starts seeing our personal data.Since they are our friend’s and family we can’t deny them because it will be rude and you can’t be rude to them.But we can stop this without being rude to your friend’s and family.

How to hide Pictures/Videos on Android

We can hide them in a very easy way.There are mainly two ways that we can apply which are as follow :


1.File Manager.
2.Common Sense – that we all have.


Download any file manager from the play store and after installing it.Open File Manager,any file manager will do fine.Put all the Images/Videos that you want to hide and put them in one folder.Now rename that folder and put ” . ” in front of the folder’s name.For example – your folder name isHidden then Change it to .Hidden

Now this folder will be hidden.The gallery and other apps won’t be able to pick this folder and this data inside this folder cannot  be seen by others.

If you want to see it for yourself:
Open “File Manager” > “Settings” > “Show Hidden Files” > Tick It.

Now you can see the folder in the file manager but make sure to Untick this option to Hide it again.

This trick is so useful and easy to apply it. And other people never even suspects that you have any personal data on you device.Because it is not visible to them like password type thingy!!

If you don’t want to follow this manual steps then there is another very easy way :

That is with the help of a locking App called AppLock.

This app has built in options to hide your images and videos.

Just open the app,bring out the options by sliding from left to right and choose “Hide Images/Videos” & select the images and videos and click the “Hide Button” and your data will be locked.

Make sure that you choose the Strong Password for locking this app.

This app also have many other useful features like locking app which can come in handy locking your text messages,contact etc.This app cannot be uninstalled without the password so don’t worry your data is always safe from deleting.

By using all the above mention technique you can surely save your personal images/videos from the others.And as you can see it is very easy to do so!!

100 Best Hacking Commands For Windows PC

Here is best hacking tricks and hidden secrets for Windows PC 2016. Use these commands to run them in windows computer. All the commands are given below use them and try in your computer to use very interesting hidden things of computer.

100 Best Hacking Commands For Windows PC

In Windows computer press Windows button + R and in run box type the given commands and press enter.

  • Accessibility Options : access.cpl
  • Add Hardware : hdwwiz.cpl
  • Add / Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl
  • Administrative Tools : control admintools
  • Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl
  • Wizard file transfer Bluethooth : fsquirt
  • Calculator : calc
  • Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc
  • Character : charmap
  • Checking disk : chkdsk
  • Manager of the album (clipboard) : clipbrd
  • Command Prompt : cmd
  • Service components (DCOM) : dcomcnfg
  • Computer Management : compmgmt.msc
  • DDE active sharing : ddeshare
  • Device Manager : devmgmt.msc
  • DirectX Control Panel (if installed) : directx.cpl
  • DirectX Diagnostic Utility : dxdiag
  • Disk Cleanup : cleanmgr
  • System Information : dxdiag
  • Disk Defragmenter : dfrg.msc
  • Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc
  • Partition manager : diskpart
  • Display Properties : control desktop
  • Properties of the display (2) : desk.cpl
  • Properties display (tab “appearance”) : control color
  • Dr. Watson : drwtsn32
  • Manager vérirficateur drivers : check
  • Event Viewer : Eventvwr.msc
  • Verification of signatures of files : sigverif
  • Findfast (if present) : findfast.cpl
  • Folder Options : control folders
  • Fonts (fonts) : control fonts
  • Fonts folder windows : fonts
  • Free Cell : freecell
  • Game Controllers : Joy.cpl
  • Group Policy (XP Pro) : gpedit.msc
  • Hearts (card game) : mshearts
  • IExpress (file generator. Cab) : IExpress
  • Indexing Service (if not disabled) : ciadv.msc
  • Internet Properties : inetcpl.cpl
  • IPConfig (display configuration) : ipconfig / all
  • IPConfig (displays the contents of the DNS cache) : ipconfig / displaydns
  • IPConfig (erases the contents of the DNS cache) : ipconfig / flushdns
  • IPConfig (IP configuration cancels maps) : ipconfig / release
  • IPConfig (renew IP configuration maps) : ipconfig / renew
  • Java Control Panel (if present) : jpicpl32.cpl
  • Java Control Panel (if present) : javaws
  • Keyboard Properties : control keyboard
  • Local Security Settings : secpol.msc
  • Local Users and Groups : lusrmgr.msc
  • Logout : logoff
  • Microsoft Chat : winchat
  • Minesweeper (game) : winmine
  • Properties of the mouse : control mouse
  • Properties of the mouse (2) : main.cpl
  • Network Connections : control NetConnect
  • Network Connections (2) : ncpa.cpl
  • Network configuration wizard : netsetup.cpl
  • Notepad : notepad
  • NView Desktop Manager (if installed) : nvtuicpl.cpl
  • Manager links : packager
  • Data Source Administrator ODBC : odbccp32.cpl
  • Screen Keyboard : OSK
  • AC3 Filter (if installed) : ac3filter.cpl
  • Password manager (if present) : Password.cpl
  • Monitor performance : perfmon.msc
  • Monitor performance (2) : perfmon
  • Dialing Properties (phone) : telephon.cpl
  • Power Options : powercfg.cpl
  • Printers and Faxes : control printers
  • Private Character Editor : eudcedit
  • Quicktime (if installed) : QuickTime.cpl
  • Regional and Language Options : intl.cpl
  • Editor of the registry : regedit
  • Remote desktop connection : mstsc
  • Removable Storage : ntmsmgr.msc
  • requests the operator to removable storage : ntmsoprq.msc
  • RSoP (traduction. ..) (XP Pro) : rsop.msc
  • Scanners and Cameras : sticpl.cpl
  • Scheduled Tasks : control schedtasks
  • Security Center : wscui.cpl
  • Console management services : services.msc
  • shared folders : fsmgmt.msc
  • Turn off windows : shutdown
  • Sounds and Audio Devices : mmsys.cpl
  • Spider (card game) : spider
  • Client Network Utility SQL server : cliconfg
  • System Configuration Editor : sysedit
  • System Configuration Utility : msconfig
  • System File Checker (SFC =) (Scan Now) : sfc / scannow
  • SFC (Scan next startup) : sfc / scanonce
  • SFC (Scan each démarraget) : sfc / scanboot
  • SFC (back to default settings) : sfc / revert
  • SFC (purge cache files) : sfc / purgecache
  • SFC (define size CAHC x) : sfc / cachesize = x
  • System Properties : sysdm.cpl
  • Task Manager : taskmgr
  • Telnet client : telnet
  • User Accounts : nusrmgr.cpl
  • Utility Manager (Magnifier, etc) : utilman
  • Windows firewall (XP SP2) : firewall.cpl
  • Microsoft Magnifier : magnify
  • Windows Management Infrastructure : wmimgmt.msc
  • Protection of the accounts database : syskey
  • Windows update : wupdmgr
  • Introducing Windows XP (if not erased) : tourstart
  • Wordpad : write

How To Track Someone’s Else Smartphone

Smartphone tracking tricks 2016 (Lost Android & iPhone tracking)Do you want to track someone’s cell phone? Relax, Here is a Complete Guide for Cell Phone Tracking.if you want to know, how to track a phone upto a pin point accuracy then this guide is surely gonna help you out. Do you need to exactly know where your child or employees are moving around during your absence?

How To Track Someone’s Else Smartphone

You just need to install a cell phone tracking app such as mSpy.It is a very simple app and can be installed just like any other app in less than a minute. Once it is installed it keeps hidden but keeps a track of every single activity on the phone such as Call Logs, Text Messages, GPS Location and many more.
The various features of mSpy are:
  • GPS Location Tracking:GPS positions are uploaded at a time interval you select with a link to the map.
  • Track Text Messages & Emails:Every text message sent and received including SMS and emails are logged even if the phone logs are deleted.
  • Browser History:All websites visited on the phone are logged.
  • Social Networking & Messenger Activity:All social media activity such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Skype, iMessages, Instagram and many more are recorded.
  • Call Logs:Each incoming and outgoing number on the phone is logged along with duration, date and time stamp
  • Phone Contacts:Get access to complete contact list on the target phone.

How will it work?

  1. Download and install the mSpy app on the target phone of whose location you want to track
  2. Installation will take a few minutes during which you need to have the target’s phone in your hand.
  3. After installation,  the tracking process will begin and all the information will be sent to your mSpy account.
  4. Login to your mSpy account from your computer or phone at any time to view the logs containing GPS location, Call activities Text Messages and more.
  5. You Can download mSpy from the link:

10 Simple Steps to Become A Good Ethical Hacker

Here is best hacking tricks to become ethical hacker in 10 simple steps with cool hacking methods and some hacking ebooks 2016. Hacking today, has become an engaging field but its not that easy to become a hacker. To become a hacker you need to possess keen interest and learn new adaptive skills.
For, this you should have a knowledge about computer networks, operating systems, programming languages etc.Its not that hackers do illegal things and crack systems only, some companies hire the crackers to protect their systems because only a hacker can think in that way.

Simple Steps to Become A Good Ethical Hacker

We have prepared a list of 10 most important steps necessary to become a hacker, have a deeper look.

UNIX/LINUX is an open source operating system which was developed  byAT&T in Bell labs and contributed a lot in the world of security. Install linux which is freely available and learn it because it can help a lot.

C language is the base of linux/unix operating systems as it is coded in C language only. Moreover  C is the base of many other programming languages also.

The another essential step is to learn the concepts of networking because packets are transferred over internet and the hackers need to crack the security of the network to get access of the packets and then the encrypted messages inside it.

It is essential for a hacker to learn more than one operating system. There are many other Operating systems apart from Windows, UNIX/LINUX etc. Every system has a loop hole, hacker needs it to exploit it.

After learning C you are ready to learn other languages like java,c++ and you should increase your programming skills.  Free eBooks, tutorials are easily available online.

Packets that are transferred over internet are not as it is rather they are encrypted by public or private key cryptography to provide confidentiality of packets transferred over the, To become a successful hacker you need to master the art of cryptography.While hacking a system, these encrypted codes needs to be broken, which is called decryption.

You should Go through various tutorials, eBooks written by experts in the field of hacking. In the field of hacking, learning is never ending because security changes every day with new updates in systems.

Some organizations such as MOZILLA, APACHE offer open source projects. Contribute and be a part of them even if your contribution is small, it will add a big value to your field. This can help in polishing your skills.

It is also a must step that u should make a community or join forums, discussions with other hackers worldwide, so that they can exchange and share their knowledge and work as a team. Join Facebook groups related to hacking where you can get more from experts.

Vulnerability is a kind of loop hole through which you can have an access to the system. By scanning a system

How Hackers Hack Whatsapp Account

Best Whstapp hacking tricks 2016 for hacking whatsapp account in rooted android that hackers used method.  If you are in a need of hacking someone’s whatsapp account,Below is a Whatsapp Hack Guide, which is surely gonna help you.

The two ways to hack whatsapp accounts are :

1.WhatsApp Hack using a Spying App: The Easiest Way

There are different ways to hack a whatsapp account but the easiest way is by using Spying App. If you don’t have any technical knowledge or hacking skill even then you can hack by using this method.
You just need to install the Spy app as you install other apps.

How to Hack WhatsApp with this App?

  1. Install the app on the target phone.
  2. After this is done, this app will start to silently record all the whatspp activities in a hidden mode.
  3. All the chats recorded will be sent to your online account.
  4. Now, you can view all the information anywhere anytime.
You can download mspy app from the link given below:

2. WhatsApp Hack by Spoofing Mac Address: The Tough Way

Although the above method is easier but it requires the app to be installed in the target’s phone. What is the other person don’t allow you to install the app or what if the other person uninstall’s it.
The next method to hack the whatsapp account is by spoofing the Mac address of the target phone on your own phone.
Unlike previous one, this is time consuming and requires technical skill also.
  1. Find out the Mac address of the target phone:
  • For Android– Navigate to Settings —> About Device —> Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address
  • For iPhone– Navigate to Settings—> General —> About —> Wi-Fi address
  1. Now install whatsapp on your phone, using the target phone Mobile Number.
  2. Now, you’ve an exact replica of the target WhatsApp account and you should receive all the conversation and updates on your phone as well.
  4. Once you have the Mac address of the target phone

Advance Tips To Get Secure From Hacking

The advance and the best tricks and tips 2016 to protect from all the hacking attacks from the attackers to steal your data by the hackers.

In movies or TV series where hackers are involved, we may have seen them apply their computer knowledge in order to perform certain hacker tricks that saved the day. Swordfish”, hackers have been able to elevate themselves to the level of heroes with only a keyboard and a mouse. However, hackers attacks and hacker prevention is more difficulty, and complex, in real life. Hollywood has a tendency to oversimplify things so the general public can understand them. After all, only a small percentage of the population has enough skills to perform this kind of demonstrations. So, if you want to prevent hacking there are some basics that need to be learned first.

The first most common technique used technique used by hackers is scanning. Hackers have created tools that scan computers for weak spots. It can be an operating system that hasn’t been upgraded or a port in the computer that it is open without the knowledge of the user. Hackers use this “open window” to get inside your computer in order to do whatever they want to do. The interesting thing about this is that these hacker tools are available for free in the Internet. So, with a couple of hours of instructions, almost every computer user can become a hacker. Another way that hackers can access your machine is through malware: programs designed to capture vital information from your computer, like login users and passwords. Malware could be hidden in a PowerPoint presentation sent by email or even in an innocent Instant Messenger message window.

Hackers are always looking for a way to get into computers of other persons. It can be something as simple as phising confidential information (like credit card or bank account numbers) to complex hacking routines that use your computer as a repository for illegal content (like music or movies with copyright). Unfortunately there is no magical software to prevent hackers; and it will never exist. It doesn’t matter how much money or resources you invest in designing the perfect system, someone will find the way to crack it. Even the biggest government agencies like NASA, CIA and NSA have been victims of hackers. And the same thing happens in the private sector with companies like Citigroup or Wal-Mart. EFFECTIVE WAYS TO STOP HACKERS So, what can you do to protect your tiny machine from hacker tricks? Fortunately, there are some measures that we can take, and it doesn’t require us to be a Neo or Hugh Jackman’s character from the movie “Swordfish”. These hacker protection tips are simple and effective and will defined you from most of the attacks.

The first thing to do in computer hacking prevention is to assure yourself that all your software is up to date; especially your operating system and your web browser. Why? Because they are the two things that hackers will try to attack first if they want to get into your computer. 

The second thing that you need to do is to install a firewall. As a matter of fact internet firewall hacker protection has become so necessary that Microsoft now ships it for free as part of their Windows XP operating system. It took them some years to admit it, but the truth is that their software was an easy target for the hackers and crackers that lurked through the World Wide Web. In case you don’t want to use Windows XP firewall, there are many alternatives in the market. Companies like Symantec and Zone Labs have produced software firewalls for some time and have become a necessity for all the computers of corporate America. If you don’t know which one you want to buy, use the trial periods. Usually you can use the firewall for 15 to 30 days; that amount of time is more than enough to make your decision. The next step in security is to have an antivirus installed. There are free versions like AVG antivirus, or pay per year licenses, like Norton Antivirus (also from Symantec). As in the case of firewalls, there are many varieties available in the market; use the trial periods for choosing wisely.

Finally, there is the anti-spyware program. As if viruses were not enough, companies from around the world decided to create programs that could pick up data from your computer in order to acquire information for their databases. It may not be as dangerous as a virus, but it is an intrusion to your privacy. Wipe them out with this piece of software. Nowadays hacker prevention has become a task for all of us. No longer is it the responsibility of the system administrator of our company. After all, he can install all the security of the world in the company’s network, but if you let a virus in because of your carelessness, he won’t be able to stop it. The same goes for your computer at home. You are the only one responsible for it. Remember that new hacker tricks appear as each day goes by, so you need to be prepared.

All USSD codes Of Idea,Airtel,Vodafone,Tata Docomo

Today i m going to share the All TataDocomo, Airtel, Idea, Vodafone ussd codes to check plans, balance & offers 2016 which will gives you codes to activate these companies related services easily. These are the leading providers of mobile postpaid, prepaid and broadband services in India. These Companies offering best services for mobile, high-speed internet, wireless and many more. So here I founded some of the best and mostly used USSD codes for idea, Airtel, Vodafone, Tata Docomo. Just Read the post-All USSD Codes Of  Idea, Airtel, Vodafone, Tata Docomo To Check Plans, Balance & Offers.

All idea USSD Codes:

All ussd codes for idea GSM for different inquiries like internet balance check, service checker, balance transfer and other idea related services.

SMS Balance → *451#
Balance Check → *212# or *130# or *123#
Idea Service Menu → *147#
Check Your Number → *789# or *100# or *1#
Account balance → *456# or *457#
Check GPRS Balance → *125# or *131*3#
Balance Transfer *567*Mobile Number*Rs.#
Idea Service → *147#
Idea Pack → *369#
Idea Price → *567#
Customer Care → 12345
Idea Menu → *111#
Active 3G → ACT 3G to 12345
Deactive 3G → DEACT 3G to 12345
GPRS Setting → SET to 12345

All iDEA USSD codes to check plans,Balance & Offers

*121# → To check Main Balance in idea.
*125# → To check internet balance 2G or 3G
*451# → To check SMS balance
*123# → Subscribe to Value Added Services(Jokes, Cricket score, Love Tips, pictures)
*147# → Idea Self Care ( My Account, Channel, 3G & GPRS, VAS & DT, Features, Roaming, My Idea Locator)
*369# → Activate Idea Pack (Local idea pack, local mobile pack, Local Traffic pack, Night pack, 2G Internet plans, 3G internet plans)
*456# → All packs at Rs 30 Per month ( Cricket score, love shayri, jokes)
*111# → Menu to activate various packs
*567# → Magic pack
*43# → Activate Call Waiting
*567*Mobile Number*Rs.# → Balance Transfer
*131*<10 digit mobile num>*<12 digit voucher num># → To recharge another number from your mobile using a voucher card
Message Type      Send To Number            Features
ACT 3G → “12345” → Activate 3G idea service (Note: Don’t activate 3G idea services when you have 2G data

DEACT 3G → “12345” → Deactivate 3G idea services
SET → “12345” → To get GRPS setting
3GTV → “54777” → Idea Live TC (Charges apply).
These are the All idea USSD Codes To Check Plans,Balance & Offers.

All Airtel USSD Codes:

All Airtel USSD codes to check plans,Balance & Offers

  1. Balance Check → *123#
  2. Check Your Number → *140*1600# or *282#
  3. Daily and Monthly SMS pack → *555# or *777#
  4. Special Five Offers → *222#
  5. Airtel Gift Service → *141#
  6. Facebook Fontwise Service → *325#
  7. My airtel My Offers → *121#
  8. Check GPRS Data → *123*7# or *123*10#
  9. Daily SMS Count → *125*5#
  10. Mobile Office Activation or Deactivation → *567#
  11. Direct Call Customer Care → 198p2p1p4p2
  12. DND service call → 1909
  13. Twitter service → *515#
  14. 3G data balance → *123*11#
These are the Airtel USSD Codes To Check Plans,Balance & Offers.

All Vodafone USSD Codes:

All Vodafone USSD codes to check plans,Balance & Offers

  1. Balance Check → *141#
  2. V2V Nite Minutes → *147#
  3. Check SIM Card Number → *111*2#
  4. Free SMS Balance → *142#
  5. Calling Balance → *145#
  6. Free Local Minutes → *148#
  7. Active Data Plans → *111*6*1#
  8. Usage Allowance → *111*6*2#
  9. Best Offers → *111*8#
  10. Offers → *121#
  11. Low Balance Services → *111*9#
  12. Bonus Cards → *111*7*#
  13. Vodafone Delights → *111*1#
  14. Last Three Calls → *111*3*1#
  15. Last Three SMS → *111*3*2#
  16. Last 3 Charges → *111*4#
  17. Last 3 Recharges → *111*5#
These are the All Vodafone USSD Codes To Check Plans,Balance & Offers.

All Tata Docomo USSD Codes:

All Tata Docomo USSD codes to check plans,Balance & Offers

  1. Know Your Number → *1# or *580#
  2. Balance Check → *111#
  3. GPRS or Internet Data Check → *111*1#
  4. Customer Care → 121
  5. DND(Do Not Disturb) Call → 1909 or SMS → START DND to 1909
  6. Recharge *135*2<Recharge Pin>#
  7. Balance Inquiry → *191*2#
  8. Validity → *191*3#
  9. Service Points → *191*4#
  10. Last 3 Recharge History → *191*5#
  11. Status of free usage(Pool Balance) → *191*6#
  12. Start/Stop Services → *191*7#
  13. Service Request → *191*8#
  14. Customer Preference → *191*9*1#
  15. Home Zone Locations → *191*9*2#
  16. Daily SMS Count → *191*9*3#
  17. DATA → *191*9*4#
  18. CALL → *191*9*5#
  19. Prepaid Bill Request → *191*9*6#
  20. Edit & Add Account Details → *191*9*7#
  21. Special Offers → *191*9*8#
  22. 3G Internet Packs → *141*1#
  23. Local Flavour → *141*2#
  24. ILD Packs → *141*3#
  25. New Internet Packs → *141*4#
  26. Daily/Weekly Packs → *141*5#
  27. Music Unlimited → *141*6#
  28. Chat Zone → *141*7#
  29. Discount Zone → *141*8#
  30. Talk More → *141*9#
These are the Tata Docomo USSD Codes To Check Plans,Balance & Offers.

These are the idea,Airtel,Vodafone,Tata Docomo USSD Codes To Check Plans,Balance & Offers.

How To Fix & Repair Corrupt Files In Windows

Best trick to repair, recover corrupted files 2016. Now i m going to share the method of how to fix or repair corrupt files in windows. In this post i will tell you the simple windows tricks to fix or repair corrupt files in windows.Many users thinks that antivirus will fix all the things but that’s not the truth. Antivirus just removes the viruses from your system but it did not return back you the original files so virus problems might be fixed but error messages keep on popping. Learn the Post – How To Fix & Repair Corrupt Files In Windows.

How To Fix & Repair Corrupt Files In Windows

Data corruption refers to errors in computer data that occur during writing, reading, storage, transmission, or processing, which introduce unintended changes to the original data. Computer, transmission and storage systems use a number of measures to provide end-to-end data integrity, or lack of errors.If a Microsoft Word file is corrupted, when a person tries to open that file with MS Word, they may get an error message, thus the file would not be opened or the file might open with some of the data corrupted. The image to the right is a corrupted jpg file in which most of the information has been lost.

Repairing Of Corrupt Files In Windows

Windows Operating System CD.

Method to fix & repair Corrupt files in Windows:
1. Firstly you will have to scan all your system.Complete your scanning and after the viruses are removed then go further.

2. Now after scanning system, the only problem remains is corrupted files pop up messages that come because their dynamic linking has been modified by virus or due to some file deletion issues.

3. Now inside your WINDOWS CD into CD/DVD drive.

4. After putting your CD. Go to Start and then open RUN.

5. Now type the following command into RUN text field.
‘ sfc /scannow 
Blue in colour only and press enter.

6. Now it will load all your windows file and fix all your corrupted files.
Now enjoy the trick.

How To Fix & Repair Corrupt Files In Windows – This method will helps you in fixing and repairing of corrupt files in windows and automatically fix & repair the corrupt files in windows.

How To Bypass Online Surveys & Block Pop-ups

Just Read this Post to bypass online surveys 2016 & easily Learn the method to block pop up using pop up blocker and bypass any survey .Here is the best hacking tricks which tell you the method to block pop-ups using pop up blocker & bypass online surveys which is tested by me but not a guarantee that will be work for you also.Now a Days there are many useful files which we want to download are hidden behind this online surveys. Generally You will find surveys in more than 50% cases .You need to complete the Tasks first then you get redirected to the original page where you can download your required file. But sometime these surveys are impossible to complete,sometimes after completing the required file can’t be found.You will easily bypass any survey -Try this method And learn the technique of How To Bypass Online Surveys 2016.

How To Bypass Online Surveys

Learn the technique to bypass online surveys & block pop-ups using pop up blocker.

How Do i Can Bypass Online Surveys

Now these are the list of methods which helps in bypassing online surveys.

Method 1- Using Online Sites- Surveybypass , Howtobypasssurveys

In this method the sites will automatically remove all the scripts of the surveys and after you get redirected to the orignal content page and after completion of this you will easily download the required file you want to download.
Using SurveyBypass Site:-
Open the website and paste the URL of the page where you are getting the surveys. Now click the Go button .After this procedure you will easily download your file without any restrictions.
Using Howtobypasssurveys :
Using this site firstly you have to download the tool to Bypass online surveys. Download and install it on your PC.After installation you will have to open the tool and paste the url of the page which you will have to open. after this your file is ready to download.

Method 2- Using Browser Extension

Note – This will work Only In Google Chrome
  • Open Google Chrome Web Browser and you will have to add the extension

  • Now After this procedure your extension will be added in you Browser.Then you will search your downloading page where your survey is placed on the page. through this extension support it will remove all the survey scripts and you can easily download your desired file.

Method 3- Using Survey Killer App

Survey Killer is the Tool which help you to remove all the scripts automatically , you will easily download your desired file.In this you just need to put the URL in the Link Box and then Click on the Download File Button of the tool . Your file will be downloaded shortly.
Note: It works only on sharecash link.
Through this you can easily access blocked websites by removing online surveys with the best hacking tricks .
How To Bypass Online Surveys & Block Pop-ups Using Pop-Up Blocker– So above are the Easy methods to unblock surveys & bypassing of online surveys .Generally through this methods the Surveys block automatically whenever they are detected.It has been tested on several survey links and works fine but still there are cases when it fails in bypassing the Survey.

How Antivirus Software Works In Computer

Due to ever increasing threat from virus and other malicious programs, almost every computer today comes with a pre-installed antivirus software on it. In fact, an antivirus has become one of the most essential software package for every computer.Even though every one of us have an antivirus software installed on our computers, only a few really bother to understand how it actually works! Well, if you are one among those few who would really bother to understand how an antivirus works, then this article is for you.

How Antivirus Works:An antivirus software typically uses a variety of strategies in detecting and removing viruses, worms and other malware programs. The following are the two most widely employed identification methods:

Working Of Antivirus Program In Computer

1. Signature-based dectection (Dictionary approach)
This is the most commonly employed method which involves searching for known patterns of virus within a given file. Every antivirus software will have a dictionary of sample malware codes called signatures in it’s database. Whenever a file is examined, the antivirus refers to the dictionary of sample codes present within it’s database and compares the same with the current file. If the piece of code within the file matches with the one in it’s dictionary then it is flagged and proper action is taken immediately so as to stop the virus from further replicating. The antivirus may choose to repair the file, quarantine or delete it permanently based on it’s potential risk.As new viruses and malwares are created and released every day, this method of detection cannot defend against new malwares unless their samples are collected and signatures are released by the antivirus software company. Some companies may also encourage the users to upload new viruses or variants so that, the virus can be analyzed and the signature can be added to the dictionary.Signature based detection can be very effective, but requires frequent updates of the virus signature dictionary. Hence, the users must update their antivirus software on a regular basis so as to defend against new threats that are released daily.

2. Heuristic-based detection (Suspicious behaviour approach)
Heuristic-based detection involves identifying suspicious behaviour from any given program which might indicate a potential risk. This approach is used by some of the sophisticated antivirus software to identify new malware and variants of known malware.Unlike the signature based approach, here the antivirus doesn’t attempt to identify known viruses, but instead monitors the behavior of all programs.For example, malicious behaviours like a program trying to write data to an executable program is flagged and the user is alerted about this action. This method of detection gives an additional level of security from unidentified threats.

File emulation: This is another type of heuristic-based approach where a given program is executed in a virtual environment and the actions performed by it are logged. Based on the actions logged, the antivirus software can determine if the program is malicious or not and carry out necessary actions in order to clean the infection.Most commercial antivirus software use a combination of both signature-based and heuristic-based approaches to combat malware.

Issues of ConcernZero-day threats: A zero-day (zero-hour ) threat or attack is where a malware tries to exploit computer application vulnerabilities that are yet unidentified by the antivirus software companies. These attacks are used to cause damage to the computer even before they are identified. Since patches are not yet released for these kind of new threats, they can easily manage to bypass the antivirus software and carry out malicious actions. However, most of the threats are identified after a day or two of it’s release, but damage caused by them before identification is quite inevitable.

Daily Updates: Since new viruses and threats are released every day, it is most essential to update the antivirus software so that the virus definitions are kept up-to-date. Most software will have an auto-update feature so that, the virus definitions are updated whenever the computer is connected to the Internet.

Effectiveness: Even though an antivirus software can catch almost every malware, it is still not 100% foolproof against all kinds of threats. As explained earlier, a zero-day threat can easily bypass the protective shield of the antivirus software. Also virus authors have tried to stay a step ahead by writing “oligomorphic“, “polymorphic” and, more recently, “metamorphic” virus codes, which will encrypt parts of themselves or otherwise modify themselves as a method of disguise, so as to not match virus signatures in the dictionary.Thus user awareness is as important as antivirus software; users must be trained to practice safe surfing habits such as downloading files only from trusted websites and not blindly executing a program that is unknown or obtained from an untrusted source. I hope this article will help you understand the working of an antivirus software.